Quantum Natural Therapies
Quantum Natural Therapies is a subsidiary of Sierra Carbon Solutions, offering quality Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine services and natural products for a variety of different health concerns. We specialize in solving difficult cases and chronic weight gain. We have a specialized weight loss program that is 99% successful. Call us on 07 34297238, 1300369247 or 0422028691 for an appointment or questions relating to our herbal products.
Quantum Natural Therapies has existed for over the last 20 years, we have provided personalized quality products and services to hundreds of people in the Queensland area and globally. Our services range from Acupuncture, Cupping, Iridology, to cosmetics and specialized herbal medications. Whether you are looking for an alternative source for products that you already purchase, have questions regarding your health, or are just looking for alternative health care and products; we are always here to offer a helping hand. For more information regarding the products, services, appointments and orders, feel free to
Call us on: (+61 7) 3429 7238 or 1300369247
Text us on: (+61) 0422 028 691
Email us on: hotherbals@gmail.com
Our health is in our hands and a community of healing starts today by taking a leap.